Dear all,
Thanks for registering for this wonderful exciting mega event. The requirements, terms and conditions and link for today’s Quiz at 4 PM (11th Oct’2020) is given below.
Quiz Terms and Conditions
- Download Zoom App
- Have good internet Signal
- You need 2 devices at a same time, one to fill the google form another to use the zoom app for watching questions.
- There will be 50 questions. All will have 4 options.
- Google form will be sent in advance. Please fill carefully the google forum mainly the email ID and the contact number.
- Each question will be shown and read by Quiz organiser. Once the question is read, 15 seconds will be given for answering. Questions are mainly clinical case oriented, hence we suggest to refrain from usage of web for getting answers.
- The answers should be marked in google forum and to be sent within 5 minutes after completion of 50th question.
- Of 50 questions, 40 questions will have one mark. 10 questions will be marked with star questions which will have 5 points. No negative markings.
- Top 10 students will reach the next round. If there is any tie between the participants, star questions will be given preference. Answers will be informed at the end of the quiz.
- The highly academic organising team’s decision will be final in controversial issues. The key set by the faculty will be final.

Please have ZOOM login at 3.30 PM and open Google form at 3.45 PM for smooth participation in QUIZ.
Zoom Link:
Join Zoom Meeting at 3.30PM on 11th Oct’2020
Meeting ID: 886 0166 8012
Passcode: ASSURE
Google form Link:
Please open at 3.45PM on 11th Oct’2020
Entry is allowed for only once. Don’t open or enter before 3.45PM. It will not be possible to send a link again
All the Best
Quiz Organizing Team
Assure Educational Foundation-Medicine Academic forum