Dr. Navinath M
About Dr. Navinath M
Dr. Navinath M, is hailing from Madurai, Tamil Nadu. He is known for his academic skills and patient management. He is soft spoken and has lots of interest in training medical students. He has been trained from some of the best medical institutions in the country. He is a recipient of multiple academic awards and gold medals. Currently he is working as a Consultant Nephrologist at Velammal Medical College Hospital, Madurai.
Educational Qualifications
- MBBS from Madurai Medical College, Madurai .
- MD (Medicine ) from All India Institute of Medical sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi, India.
- DM (Nephrology) from All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi, India.
Awards & Achievemnts
- Best House Physician award (Gold Medal) from the Department of Medicine, AIIMS, Delhi
- Gold Medal from Department of Paediatrics, Madurai Medical College
- Gold Medal from Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Madurai Medical College
- Gold Medal from Department of Pharmacology, Madurai Medical College
- Gold Medal from Department of Anatomy, Madurai Medical College
- Certificate of Merit from Dept. of Community Medicine, Madurai Medical College
- Certificate of Merit from Department of Microbiology, Madurai Medical College
- Certificate of Merit from Department of Pathology, Madurai Medical College
- Certificate of Merit from Department of Biochemistry, Madurai Medical College
- Winner of Divisional level IAP Paediatrics Quiz – Final year MBBS
- Runner Up in State level Renal physiology Quiz – First year MBBS
- Madurai District and School Topper in Class XII
- School Topper in Class X
His research works are
- ‘Prospective cohort study of the process and outcome of chronic kidney disease (CKD) care in India’ under the guidance of Prof SK Agarwal, HOD Nephrology, AIIMS, Delhi
- ‘Frailty in old age: development of a new clinical tool and biomarker for diagnosis’ under the guidance of Prof AB Dey, HOD Geriatric Medicine, AIIMS, Delhi
- Rahul Kumar, Navinath Mohan et al, Identification of serum sirtuins as novel noninvasive protein markers for frailty. Aging Cell. 13 (6):975-80,2014. (Aging Cell Impact Factor – 6.34)
- Venugopalan Gunasekaran, Navinath Mohan et al, Hypocalcemic Cardiomyopathy Due to Vitamin D Deficiency in a Very Old Man. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 63. 1708-9. 10.1111/jgs.13586. (JAGS Impact Factor – 4.388)
- Validation of New Clinical Protocols for Detection of Frailty Among Older Indians S. Manicka Saravanan, Venugopalan G, Navinath Mohan, A.B.Dey . Journal of The Indian Academy of Geriatrics, Vol. 11, No. 3, September, 2015