Pediatric surgery
About Course
Dr. Aravindh (MAMC)
Assure Pediatric Surgery
- How is pediatric surgery different?
- Antenatal diagnosis and interventions
- Esophagus, diaphragm, lung, gastrointestinal diseases,
cleft lip and palate, jaundiced baby - Abdominal wall defects and umbilical discharge in a child
- Bleeding per rectum
- Inguino-scrotal swellings and empty scrotum
- Ambiguous genitalia and DSD
- Pediatric urology
- Pediatric solid tumors
- Neural tube defects
- Neck lesions
- Vascular and lymphatic malformations
- Pediatric trauma and non-accidental injuries
- Pediatric transplantation – TIDBITS
What Will I Learn?
- 20+ hours of condensed teaching of the whole spectrum of Surgical Oncology
- “In a Nutshell series” for the busy practicing general surgeon
- At the comfort of a click and you can access it whenever you want
- Devita 11th edition and other standard books based
- Focused MCQ based innovative teaching
- Telegram chat for doubts and periodic snippets
- Monthly mock tests with explanation